Monday, September 22, 2008


I'm here. I'm alive.
First day in Brighton was tough. It's gorgeous down here, but for the first time, I truly do not know anyone. So it's a little tough. I'm looking for work and a place to live quickly, because I'm feeling good about living here, but I really need to meet some people.
There are prospects on the horizon. I just need to get moving.
More soon!


1 comment:

R Starr said...

Hi. I really can't figure out what you are doing in Brighton, but I am sure it is something! I am feeling your homesickness. I was like that just here in TO for awhile when I got here! It was quite unexpected. However, it has feed me in some really interesting and good ways! Really good ways. Anyway, it sounds like you've been having a swell time! I should write more about my adventure. But tonight I have a cold... and I am sleepy. ox