Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a bit more

Alright. We've eaten, we've walked, we're exhausted.
The flight was good. I actually managed to sleep through about half of it, which is probably why I'm still up. It's 8:45 here now and we're both getting ready to turn in for the night after doing a jaunt through Leicester, Trafalgar Square, and Covent Gardens. We had pizza in Soho... still can't manage to not tip! We pointed at all the shops we're going to visit tomorrow, and discussed which show to see tomorrow night. The 5 days here are getting planned pretty quickly.
I feel like everywhere I turn I have the word TOURIST written across my forehead. I even wore a tie tonight, in an effort to fit in, but SO many people my age are strutting around in suits. Everyone's so posh!
We're staying across the street from Hyde Park, just of Bayswater near Notting Hill. The tube ride isn't too bad, and we're figuring it all out. The hostel is clean and feels pretty secure, which puts my mind at ease, even though Dalia and I have to be in seperate rooms on Saturday and Sunday because of a booking muff-up.
Mostly I'm greatful to be done with the awful part of the trip which is trecking through the city with my big bag. So awkward. We got some lousy directions from a friendly Irish guy and ended up going three blocks out of our way. By then, we were both pretty cranky and I was about to wet my pants. But we made it. Praise the Lord.

It was a blast using my British Passport to blow through customs. I guess Dalia got quite the run down, including questions about her income (!) and how much she has in the bank. Well... guess that 's what you get for choosing to be brown skinned.

Crazy small world type thing: breezing through the undergrounds going from terminal 3 to terminal 4 where I was meeting Dalia, I pass by someone who looks familiar... so I do a double take, and who is it but Sian Williams, her mom, and little Augustus! We just HAPPENED to pass each other at this corner going completely different directions. Crazy! Just another little reminder that no matter where I go, I have good people in my life.

I am so freaking tired I might start drooling.
Good night! Or rather, good afternoon to all y'all in Canada!



Rachel Kennedy said...

Nick- glad to here that you made it safe and sound! We all miss you already.

Chris said...

Same thing happened when I started my Europe trip - they asked how much money I had, if I planned to work, blah, blah. Good thing I didn't tell them about the half pound of dope I had hidden in my... sock.
Hope you get past the jet lag soon. Have a pint for your bro!