Wednesday, September 17, 2008

mes cheveau est bon

the haircut went well... i know youll all be relieved to hear that. he straightened it then cut it, which was odd... but it has regained its curl and looks fun. how interesting, my hair... not like im in paris or anything.
met up with dad last night and continued exploring this best place on earth. went to notre dme, l'arc de triumph (finally found the apostrophe key), and up to the second platform of the eiffel tower which was AMAZING at night. it all lights up and looks like glitter... a big hunk of glitter... so cool.
Today we did more sights, the cemetary, bastille for lunch, and the amazing modern art museum. my feet are killing!
now we're off for dinner, then im meeting megan for a bit tonight. good times good times!
pics to come!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hey Nick, say hi to Dad for me!