Thursday, October 2, 2008

On to the Iris

Well, Bristol has been lovely. I've spent the last few days catching up on sleep and vegging out, hanging with Katie, and having a nice time. I've taught myself how to cable knit. So if I achieve nothing else during this entire trip...
Bristol's cool. They've just opened Cabot Circus downtown which is this gigantice covered outdoor shopping area with all of the high end and luxury shops. They have a new movie theatre there with these things called Director's Rooms. All the chairs are super cushy and leather, and spaced out in pairs. Attendants then come around to you during the movie, bringing you champagne and snacks, and taking orders for anything you may want. Obviously it's more expensive, but think what a great date that would be!
I haven't seen a whole lot else here, to be honest, and that's ok with me. I wwas craving some time to regain my sanity and think. And eat. Oh man! I'm starting this fitness regime that has me trying to eat 5 times a day. harder than it sounds. 

Off to Cardiff festival to catch the Iris Prize Festival
It's an international gay and lesbian short film festival. They have two films nominated from Canada, one of which is called Dinx. Which I'm in. Which is exciting! I'm meeting director Trevor Anderson there, and it should be a few days of good fun!

I'll be off now. Take care everyone. More soon!


1 comment:

Heather Zwicker said...

oh nick -- i do miss you!!
xoxo h