Friday, October 17, 2008


The hard part about keeping a blog is facing the daunting task of updating after you've been lazy and not written in a while.

What to talk about. Hmmm...

Things are good. Work is great. Friends and new friends are excellent. I'm joining a choir. Still going to the gym. I've been M.I.A. for the knitting group, so I think I might be barred. Those ladies can hold a grudge as well as they hold their yarn tension.

I miss theatre. Lately it's all I think about. I mean I could go see a show, sure... but I miss the drive and possibility of being a part of it. I've been writing a fair amount... but nothing significant yet. I need to get my Loud and Queer submission together, so that should be good incentive.

I think it's been valuable to experience this feeling of "life without career drive." It's made me realize what I need. A career. Quite the discovery. I mean I guess I've always known that... but I have the proof now. I've heard the proof is in the pudding. I have no idea what that means. And I do have a career. I need to really put my nose to the grind-stone now and DO it. Not that I haven't. I guess the difference is, I need to do it with a bit more joy.

I wish alternative theatre was one of the highest paying professions in the world. Up next to being Bill Gates or J.K. Rowling.

Alright. That's enough yammering from me. I appreciate all your emails and updates, so please keep them up!


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